6 Aug 2020

Rebecca Schoffer – Reimagining Rosh Hashanah

Rebecca Schoffer is returning to Australia … virtually!   Whether you caught her workshop in Sydney last November or whether …

Rebecca Schoffer is returning to Australia … virtually!


Whether you caught her workshop in Sydney last November or whether this is your first time learning with her, Rebecca will inspire you as you begin re/imagining Rosh Hashanah content for your classroom.


Rosh Hashana is usually the time in the Jewish calendar when we reflect, reconsider and take stock of ourselves, our behaviour and our connection to community. This year is unlike any other in history and we all – educators and students alike – are ready to feel refreshed and recharged.


We invite you to join us and Rebecca, to reinvigorate yourselves and your lessons and celebrations to life with new songs, creative movements, puppetry, dramatic play and other forms of experiential learning.

Join us for a special two-part educational experience with Rebecca Schoffer:
Part 1 – a webinar delivered by Rebecca which you can view when and where it suits you – access link will be sent to registered participants
Part 2 – an interactive Q & A session with Rebecca on Wednesday August 12th at 8pm (via Zoom)
If you have already registered, you’ll be sent a password to access the video.
If you are yet to sign up to join us, registrations are still open!

Email for more details or for group bookings.

Stay updated and Experience Jewish Together