28 June 2022

The (Jewish) Books That Made Us

This was the topic of discussion for a panel of authors at the 2022 Sydney Jewish Writers Festival (SJWF) moderated …

This was the topic of discussion for a panel of authors at the 2022 Sydney Jewish Writers Festival (SJWF) moderated by Scott Whitmont. The authors who participated were: Dr Rachael Kohn, Natasha Sholl, Ashley Goldberg and Shelley Davidow.

What are the ‘Jewish books that made us’? Which titles or authors resonate in your soul and have helped you to understand or determined your own Jewish identity? Which ones have inspired or given you insight into our community and people, who are, after all, known as ‘The People of the Book’?

Whether they may be religious texts, memoirs, Shoah writing, Israel novels or books from the best of contemporary Jewish authors from around the world that you’ve read in English or translation, everyone treasures certain titles that have helped inform who we are, Jewishly, and how we interact with the world around us. What are they?

Download the list of books presented HERE

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